Mi Negocio


Publicaciones Recientes.

What is a KPI and why is it essential for your company?

What is a KPI and why is it essential for your company? A Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a measurable [...]

How can your company optimize import processes?

Understand the importance of specialized accounting in the financial and tax management of product imports. The importation of products is [...]

Accounting and Business Intelligence: The importance of accounting reports in decision making

Discover how the union of accounting and Business Intelligence can improve decision-making in your company. Read our article and learn [...]

Succession Planning via Holding: How does it work?

Find out how estate planning works through a holding company and how this strategy can help protect assets and facilitate [...]

How can your company optimize import processes?

Understand the importance of specialized accounting in the financial and tax management of product [...]

Accounting and Business Intelligence: The importance of accounting reports in decision making

Discover how the union of accounting and Business Intelligence can improve decision-making in your [...]

Succession Planning via Holding: How does it work?

Find out how estate planning works through a holding company and how this strategy [...]

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Accounting for Information Technology companies: understand the importance of being advised by this professional.

Accounting for IT companies is responsible for carrying out tax management, in addition to providing [...]

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What is INSS in Brazil?

What is INSS in Brazil? The Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social (INSS) – National Institute [...]

What is PIS/PASEP in Brazil?

What is PIS/PASEP in Brazil? Both PIS and PASEP are social contributions paid by the [...]

Los Mejores Softwares de Contabilidad en Brasil.

<h1><b><span data-contrast=”auto”>Los Mejores Softwares de Contabilidad en Brasil.</span></b><span data-ccp-props=”{&quot;201341983&quot;:0,&quot;335559738&quot;:240,&quot;335559739&quot;:0,&quot;335559740&quot;:259}”> </span></h1> <em>Con la llegada de la tecnología, [...]

Understand how the payment of Income Tax in Brazil for expatriates.

Understand how the payment of Income Tax works for expatriates in Brazil. Foreigners residing in [...]

How to open a bank account in Brazil

  Learn all the necessary steps and documents on how to open a bank account [...]

How does the health system in Brazil work?

    Are you a foreigner and are you going to travel or move to [...]

Suscríbete a nuestro boletín

Información actualizada sobre finanzas, regulaciones fiscales y contabilidad. Únete a nuestra comunidad de expertos para recibir alertas oportunas y valiosa información. Mantente al tanto de los temas más relevantes para tu negocio en Brasil.

    Tax Guide in Brazil

      In this post, we present an overview of taxes in Brazil. Check it out [...]

    Discover How the Business Culture Works in Brazil

    If you intend to open a company in Brazil, learn about the business culture in [...]

    Accounting Firm for Multinationals in Brazil: Why Outsource This Service?

    Nowadays, many entrepreneurs choose to outsource their financial management services to optimize time and reduce [...]

    Open Company In Brazil: How to Start

    Do you intend to open a company in Brazil? Check out the types of company, [...]

    2 Comentários

    Learn About Simples Nacional’s Monthly and Annual Obligations

    The Simples Nacional, despite being considered a less bureaucratic tax regime, for companies that fall [...]

    Brazilian CPOM: What Your Business Needs to Know

    Whenever a company is hired to provide services for another company, it is essential to [...]

    Accounting in Brazil: The First Steps for Your Business

    Not knowing who is really hiring is a very big risk. This happens a lot [...]

    GDPR in Brazil. What do I Need to Know?

    The so-called General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Brazil  (LGPD in Portuguese) has been in [...]

    6 Comentários

    Invoice in the City of São Paulo – Learn How it Works

    Issuing an invoice is critical for any service provider who wants to keep a business [...]

    How to Calculate the Presumptive Profit Method?

    Do you already know how to calculate the Presumptive Profit Method? It doesn’t matter what [...]

    Visas and Costs of Living in Brazil: How Much Money do I Need?

    The worries with visas and costs of living in Brazil are always amongst the main [...]

    How to Open a Company as a Foreigner in Brazil? Find out How it Works

    In a world ever more connected, with a high amount of people and business mobility, [...]

    ¿Cuándo tiene un expatriado el derecho a obtener la ciudadanía brasileña?

    Cualquier persona nacida dentro del territorio nacional, incluso de padres extranjeros, así como hijos de [...]